sabato 28 ottobre 2017

Introduction to the central Topic

Irrigatio, Irrigazione, Irrigation.

They were all the words i knew, in different languages, for the same old meaning.

Welcome you all,
This is going to be my personal contribution to a project of my University Course "Storia Delle Cose", at Politecnico di Torino, in Turin, which is where I live.

In this Blog, I will be reporting every progress achieved, during the year, in my study about my assignment: Artificial Irrigation.

It is a fundament of the strict relationship cohexisting between Human kind and the Land that they own.
Since it was invented, humans increased in number and richness, improving their techhnology as well as society and arts.

To this extent, doing this Blog, I would like to focus mostly on the consequences of the Artificial Irrigation Systems on the Human History.

Emanuele Vitale

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